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Our Books

Read the life stories and adventures of these very special senior dogs. With your generous support we can continue to help senior dogs and cats in shelters,  paying their medical costs and adoption fees.

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Danny Boy to the Rescue


In 2010 an old and raggedy little pug found himself alone in a big kennel at a ctiy shelter in a western Massachusetts town. Volunteers fell in love with the nameless, smiling guy and one volunteer took him home and named him Danny Boy. From his freedom ride that first day he inspired everyone who met him to smile and relish the day. His adoptive person and other volunteers recognized that Danny Boy could inspire people to take a second look at older dogs in shelters who are passed by for younger, healthier ones. With that mission in mind, photographer Martha McCusker Pope began taking pictures of Danny Boy for a book that could help raise funds for a charity in his name. As a result, this picture book was created to tell his ‘tail.’ 


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Gigi's Journey, Rescue Dog on a Mission


This is the story of Gigi. She was surrendered to a Massachusetts shelter with life-threatening tumors that resulted from neglect. Mary Ellen and Martha provided her with vet care and Nancy brought her home for hospice. But tough girl Gigi had a mission to help us with Danny Boy's charity and after life-saving surgery she started her job as ambassador for the fund. Follow Gigi through her three-year journey with animals and people with who she shares her smile and spunk. Thank you Gigi for your inspiration!

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